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Showing 19

Bring back AutoPipe Nozzle in AutoPipe

AutoPipe Nozzle has been discontinued for some time now. Many users and prospects are looking for this feature in the latest version of AutoPipe which is missing. It is good to have this feature back in AutoPipe future versions
21 days ago in AutoPIPE / UI 2 Planned

Limit License selection to what is available to the account

On the configuration dialog, the user is given the option to select a number of different editions of AutoPIPE: Standard, Advanced, Nuclear. Suggest to grey out options that are not available to the account. Example: Account only has AutoPIPE Stan...
4 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 0 Needs review

Add Button on Help Tab to Download Most Recent Version

Each time I need to update or search to see if there is an update, I spend too much time trying to figure out how to wade through all the various avenues Bentley has to find the most recent version of AutoPIPE, and if I'm behind, then download the...
about 1 month ago in AutoPIPE / UI 2 Planned

Add Node/Support point text leader lines

When using AutoPIPE or relating an output report to a model, users need to be able to clearly read the indicated text on screen / screen shot added into an report. This is not easy in congested areas with how AutoPIPE currently displays informatio...
7 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 0 Needs review

Stress Isometric: populate isometric title block

Add options to export data from AutoPIPE that will to fill in attribute data for a Stress Isometric title block.
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / UI 1 Needs review

Provide button to run analysis when it detects outdated results

Currently, AutoPIPE warns the user when it detects outdated results when the user tries to open the Results Grid. Instead of just warning the user, and deleting the outdated results, why doesn't AutoPIPE just rerun the analysis, or at least provid...
6 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 0 Planned

Toggle Between v12 Result Grid and v24 Result Grid

The v12 Result grid was a much simpler, leaner, and straightforward method to data processing for the excel oriented layout it had. With the v24 Result grid, we CANNOT select any of the columns independently as previously on v12. This completely r...
6 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 5 Will not implement

Add a button in Help>Online Resources that links to the most recent release

Have a newcomer or an old timer try to navigate all the difference paths available to try to find where to download the most recent release. How long does it take? Too long. Add a button in Help>Online Resources that links to the most recent re...
4 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 0 Needs review

Add a toggle button in segments grid to apply a transparency visual plot

Working with existing or future segments in large systems, it would be great to have a option to change their segments plot (like adding transparency). Something similar to older software like Triflex (see attached image).
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / UI 2 Future consideration

Add a button that resets the Input Grids or Results grids to visible location on screen

When using AutoPIPE on laptop connected to a docking station or additional monitors, then removed to just using a laptop screen may cause the input / results grids to not be shown in the visible area. The grids are hidden out of screen view. Recom...
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / UI 0 Needs review