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AutoPIPE Pipe Stress

Showing 151

Include ability to override Sustain Stress Indices (SSI) in User SIF dialog

The code allows you to reduce the SSIs based on more applicable data. Currently, AutoPIPE only lets you use SSI = 0.75SIF or SSI=1. ASME B31J allows you to reduce the SSI based on the following: Where sustained stress or moment factors are require...
19 days ago in AutoPIPE / Code 0 Needs review

Add ability to analyze multiple Analysis set at the same time

Currently AutoPIPE analyzes analysis sets one at a time. Between each analysis set the application writes the results of the analysis from the cache temp folder to the model folder. Models containing multiple analysis can take an extended period o...
3 months ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 0 Future consideration

Add the capability to analyse multiple piping codes in a single model

Whilst using AutoPIPE Nuclear to assess pipework to ASME III, the models included different regions of pipework that were required to be assessed to ASME III Class 1 and Class 2 respectively. As it is not possible to assess to two different piping...
8 months ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 4 Future consideration

Limit License selection to what is available to the account

On the configuration dialog, the user is given the option to select a number of different editions of AutoPIPE: Standard, Advanced, Nuclear. Suggest to grey out options that are not available to the account. Example: Account only has AutoPIPE Stan...
4 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 0 Needs review

Add manufacturer library for SIF's to populate to meet B31.J as per B31.3 2020

Add manufacturer library to select for SIF's to populate to meet B31.J as per B31.3 2020
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 0 Needs review

Possibilité d'incorporer des tubulure rectangle/carrée

Nous avons très régulièrement des demandes client pour calculer des appareils suivant différents codes, avec des tubulures carrées et/ou rectangulaires. Est'il possible d'intégrer ce genre de tubulures dans autopipe vessel?
about 1 month ago in AutoPIPE / Modelling 0 Needs review

Flexible Joint Step Function Stiffness

Looking for an update to flex coupling input box to better model flexible coupling behavior. Flexible joint additional inputs (see attached) 1) Max angle of deflection for flex joint 2) Two stiffness inputs for bending stiffness. Stiffness changes...
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / Modelling 0 Future consideration

Add Button on Help Tab to Download Most Recent Version

Each time I need to update or search to see if there is an update, I spend too much time trying to figure out how to wade through all the various avenues Bentley has to find the most recent version of AutoPIPE, and if I'm behind, then download the...
about 1 month ago in AutoPIPE / UI 2 Planned

Autosave the file after 1 minute

Kindly refer to the discussion in regard to the case no. CS0345238, regarding introducing autosave option after every 1 min or less. Similar feature is available in other stress analysis software can't same be availed in Auto PIPE as well, because...
about 1 month ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Needs review

Add API 661 allowables to rotating equipment

Provide user ability to insert cooler nozzle allowables per API 661. This would help with cooler orientation and no longer require user to look up allowable values each time. Provide a multiplier allowable (i.e. 2x 3x API limits)
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 0 Future consideration