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AutoPIPE Vessel

Showing 73

Updating PD 5500

Please could we add the latest additions of PD 5500 to the design standards. In South Africa, the competing design codes are ASME and PD due to the selection of materials that our legislation permits. As a result, ensuring that Bentley AutoPIPE Ve...
12 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Parameters for skirt design in EN13445 (and CODAP)

Please add the possibility to enter the values lt, ht and eat according to EN13445 16.12.4 for the design of skirt. In my attached file, when changing lt to 179.7 mm and eat to 7.7 mm, the formula (16.12-70) is now verified without changing the sk...
7 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Longitudinal loads: add longitudinal wind and longitudinal bending moments

Today only transversal wind is considered, but longitudinal wind may be significant for big vessel. In addition, those moments and loads whould be found in the foundation loads. Also, if a External load is applied, the only moment availalbe ("bend...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Planned

Expansion Bellows - Option to input the number of half-convolutions (e.g. 2.5)

It is not possible to set 2.5 Convolutions (N). In some cases, I have to consider bellow with 2.5 convolution, but I cannot design as there is no option to enter this value.
10 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Girth flange calculation - Override bolt area

Add an option to override the selected bolt area. This can be helpful when non standard neck-down bolt is used.
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 1 Needs review

Create custom flange for a nozzle

Sometimes designers want to create a custom flange specially for large diameter nozzle which can then be checked as a body flange (Appendix 2 etc.). Currently this can be done as a separate model but an option to include custom flange to a nozzle ...
11 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Take into account the straight flanges of conical shell with knuckles automatically

Currently the straight flange portion of conical shell with knuckle cannot be specified in the conical shell UI, but a feature is proposed to include that in the UI as an input to model and create drawings and include in reports.
8 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Add a Bolted Domed end

Possibility to add a Bolted Domed end according EN 13445.3 clause 12
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Future consideration

API 650 - Insert Combination Factor for Internal and External Pressure

Allow the user to inser the combinaton fator for internal pressure (Fp) and the combination factor for external pressure (Fpe) as refered in API 650 paragraph 5.2.2.
6 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Flat ends of non-circular or annular shape

Design non circular flanges according EN 13445-4 clause 10.7.
6 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review