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AutoPIPE Vessel

Showing 73

Material database

Update the material database inclouding more grades of Titanium such as grade 12 that is highly used in the industry, also update EN13445 with Titanium, Nickel and similar alloys, joint efficiency and safety factors according to EN13445-9,10,11 an...
9 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Lifting accesoires: handled independently.

They appear in the list of components, the 2D and 3D view. Local loads for them can be checked in Design Component. Their welds appear in the weld map.
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 1 Future consideration

Allow user to select if tolerance is to be considered for nozzle neck thickness calculation

Currently AutoPIPE Vessel considers both corrosion and tolerance for nozzle neck thickness calculation. A radio button to allow user to consider tolerance or not can be added in the nozzle dialog box.
10 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Jacket Closure calculation according to ASME VIII Div1 appendixe 9

We have noticed that the software systematically considers all jackets as type 2 in the jacket closure calculation following ASME VIII -Appendixe 9
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

API 650 storage tank code update - 13th Edition, 2020

No description provided
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Do not display the "Equivalent beam model" paragraph in the calculation report (wind, earthquake, ... calculations)

It would be useful for users to have the option of not displaying the “Detailed characteristics of the equivalent beam model” paragraph in the calculation report when a wind/seismic analysis is performed. Indeed, in "Vessel properties", tab "Repor...
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

ASME UG-44(b), code case 2901 Flange checks

Add the updated code case 2901 calculation to the flange checking options
10 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Noncircular (eg. rectangular) cross section pressure vessel (Appendix 13, ASME Sec VIII Div 1)

11 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Stresses during lifting when vessel is inerted

It would be useful to add the verification of the stresses during lifting when the equipment is inerted with nitrogen at 0.5 barg (or with another gas at another pressure). The temperature could be also selected (room or higher temperature). The e...
4 months ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Lifting accessories – Vertical columns

For vertical vessels I suggest to add a field to add a material for lugs on top o f the vessel and also another field to selected the material for lugs on bottom skirt (tailing lug). It is very common to have columns in for exempla stainless steel...
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review