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Add a toggle button in segments grid to apply a transparency visual plot

Working with existing or future segments in large systems, it would be great to have a option to change their segments plot (like adding transparency). Something similar to older software like Triflex (see attached image).
12 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 2 Future consideration

Allow load combination re-sorting or insert

In the load combination options, users can custom define loads. The combination ordering is specific to the entries - the rows at the bottom can use previous combinations above, but not v/v. AutoPIPE generates an error if a load case tries to refe...
12 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 0 Future consideration

Second UI Window for docking dialogs, tools and grids

Autopipe has multiple windows, tools, floating windows, grids and other UI Elements. For users that use multiple monitors, The above UI Elements often move around, and re orient themselves. By providing the user with a second UI Application Window...
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress / UI 1 Future consideration

Add label box for flexible joints

It would be helpful if flexible joints could have a label or tag added. This would be similar to how many components in AutoPIPE have the ability to label components, such as supports and anchors.
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / UI 1 Future consideration

Allow user to set the 6 color stress plot ranges as needed

While looking at the Color Stress plot there is a Key in the top left corner with 6 colors and corresponding ranges. These ranges are hard coded into the program. Give the user the options to set these 6 ranges as needed.
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / UI 2 Future consideration

Improve reference loads dialog

Add a toggle between X/Y/Z and axial/shear/bending/torsion for forces and moments in the reference loads dialog. Many allowables for connections are given in terms of total shear load or bending moment. It is not possible to use the current refere...
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress / UI 0 Future consideration