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Showing 21

Specifying sub-report item under batch run by ntl files

I want to customize the output report items for an automation process. I'm building the system by ntl file. The dat file can customize them but the ntl file cannot.
about 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 1 Needs review

Report Sign-Max for Support and Restraint in Results

It would be very handy for AutoPIPE to report the maximum loading for all load cases for reporting to the structural engineer or equipment manufacturers.
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 3 Already exists

Modal Analysis Results to include Modes Normalized

Modal Analysis Results to include Modes Normalized, the normalized result output would greatly help users locate which node points have the highest displacements where additional restraints could be needed to increase frequency at each mode results.
9 months ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 4 Already exists

DXF & DNG export - Add extra informaiton layers

For the DXF and DGN export add new layers for Support Tag No. Anchor Tag No. Pipe Identifier Valve Tag No. Flange Tag No. etc.
9 months ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Needs review

Model Explorer: add the following features (ex. Tee type, Wave Type, etc..)

Please add the following features to AutoPIPE's Model Explorer: 1st approver 2nd approver Seismic code - indicate all in model to be selected Wind type - indicate all in model to be selected wave type - indicate all in model to be selected Materia...
9 months ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Needs review

Total Length of Pipe

Once pipe properties are assigned to a run, the total length of the run with that property is calculated. For example I have 3 runs, a 2ft run, 4 ft run and 2 ft run. I assigned the property of A335P11 to the 2ft runs and SS36 to the 4ft run. Auto...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 1 Future consideration

ASME Flange Summary to show both Operating and Seating in separate columns

Currently the results summary will show the worst case for the flange. ASME B16.5 flanges combined with spiral wound gaskets will commonly fail the seating condition check with the ASME division 1 checks. This can be ignored provided the operating...
12 months ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Future consideration

Output Modal Solution/mass participation

AutoPIPE error 1304731 indicates that there are improper combinations of the modal solutions for seismic anchor motions and seismic response spectra. The "fix" to the error report is a warning to the end-user; however, there is no work around. Oth...
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 3 Already exists

Include UID number in "Result" mdb output.

In our work process we create PCF file using S3D. After analyzing data inside Autopipe we would like to export some of the analyzed data from Autopipe and import back to S3D. Easiest way to achieve that would be by using UID number of the analyzed...
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Needs review

Write as many Error messages as possible to *.ANL file

Currently Error messages appear on screen while interactively using AutoPIPE. If doing Batch processing Error messages never appear! If an Error message can be displayed on the screen it can also be written to the *.ANL file. Error conditions that...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Planned