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Showing 154

Increase maximum number of static earthquake load cases.

When using nonlinear analysis earthquake loads cannot be scaled. If additional analysis sets are required with different earthquake accelerations for design purposes, it is severely limiting to have only 30 E cases. There are 100 analysis sets, it...
about 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Future consideration

Allow gap supports with response spectra analysis

Response spectrum analysis is a static equivalent linear analysis to a dynamic earthquake event. AutoPIPE allows the use of V-Stops with gaps for static analysis. The condition of the gap closure and subsequent support loading is determined by eva...
almost 3 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Future consideration

Modal Analysis Results to include Modes Normalized

Modal Analysis Results to include Modes Normalized, the normalized result output would greatly help users locate which node points have the highest displacements where additional restraints could be needed to increase frequency at each mode results.
9 months ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 4 Already exists

DXF & DNG export - Add extra informaiton layers

For the DXF and DGN export add new layers for Support Tag No. Anchor Tag No. Pipe Identifier Valve Tag No. Flange Tag No. etc.
9 months ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Needs review

Update Coincident Node Check report to include Beam points

Currently, coincident node check report only returns results for pipes nodes that are within the specified tolerance distance to another pipe node point. Suggest report also include Beam points with specified tolerance distance of other Beam point...
9 months ago in AutoPIPE / Modelling 0 Needs review

Fix the Load Sequencing for Snow Load

The help file states the following for snow load analysis: Limitation Currently, AutoPIPE only considers snow loading as linear analysis. Load sequencing does not apply to snow loads and such results should not be considered. For analysis sets tha...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 0 Needs review

StressISO Title Block Automatic Fill

Add the ability to populate the title block information: dates, line number, etc.
about 3 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Needs review

Model Explorer: add the following features (ex. Tee type, Wave Type, etc..)

Please add the following features to AutoPIPE's Model Explorer: 1st approver 2nd approver Seismic code - indicate all in model to be selected Wind type - indicate all in model to be selected wave type - indicate all in model to be selected Materia...
9 months ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Needs review

Total Length of Pipe

Once pipe properties are assigned to a run, the total length of the run with that property is calculated. For example I have 3 runs, a 2ft run, 4 ft run and 2 ft run. I assigned the property of A335P11 to the 2ft runs and SS36 to the 4ft run. Auto...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 1 Future consideration

Model new piping geometry based on newly established local coordinate system instead of Global coordinate system

Use Case: If The entire model is using plant coordinates thus causing the entire system to be off AutoPIPE's global axis. Then, if the user needs to add new piping geometry it is very difficult to model in AutoPIPE using global coordinates. Users ...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Modelling 0 Needs review