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Showing 227

PD 5500, Alternative Pressure Area Design Method

Allow the use of Alternative Pressure Area Design Method if the primary method of assessment for PD5500 shows non-compliance. The alternative method is less conservative and therefore may in some cases be able to sufficiently demonstrate compliance.
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Add line number attribute to drawing table ISO stress

No description provided
over 3 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Future consideration

Always enable "Use weight factor for bolt/nut weight" when importing a flange

When importing a PCF file please allow for the option to enabler "Use weight factor for bolt/nut weight" for flanges
over 3 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Future consideration

Display response spectrum acceleration results using the 'interactive' results viewer (showing deformed model and acceleration values)

The AutoPIPE 'interactive" menu has a way to display displacement results and filter results. Presently, the acceleration results in a response spectrum analysis are only viewable from the text result files or excel reports. Having a GUI accelera...
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / UI 0 Needs review

Submit Loads to NozzlePro PRG 2023.2.0.1005 and higher

Upload of the Autopipe Vessel loads version 43.01 and higher was no longer possible to submit the loads of the nozzles directly to nozzle PRO PRG 2023.2.0.1005. So, this idea is to make the Autopipe Vessel new version to be compatible with Latest ...
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Hydrostatic head in pressure test condition, controlled by user

UG-98 (b) asks for taking into account the difference in elevation between the chamber being tested and the pressure gauge. The water level in test should be an input, like the liquid level in operation.
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Model Square pipe / ducting

Add the ability to model square piping / ducting
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / Modelling 1 Future consideration

A need to track displacements of reference points?

how to track displacements of reference points? I understand that reference points are only used to track forces and moments but i want to see separately the displacement results of these reference points instead of manually searching node by node...
11 months ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 1 Needs review

User to select spring from list of springs returned by Spring hanger analysis command

After running a hanger selection analysis with the currently defined hanger analysis parameters, 1 or more possible spring hangers that meet the criteria are reported, starting with the longest range and highest spring rate and finishing with the ...
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 1 Needs review

Extract system Response Spectra at decoupled connection points

The capability of producing FRS at some points is sometimes needed to analyze small bore branches. Generally, the small bore branches could be decoupled from the headers for seismic analysis, but these lines shall be evaluated separately using the...
12 months ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 3 Future consideration