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Bring back the Bentley AutoPIPE User Accreditation Program

As per the note in read on the top of this page, please bring back the user accreditation program
12 months ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 1 Needs review

Increase allowable number of internal data points from 10,000 to 100,000 or more

AutoPIPE's analysis is blocked if total number of points (piping points+ soil points + frame nodes) is greater than 10,000. Suggest to increase the limit number of node points from 10,000 to 100,000 or more.
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / Modelling 0 Future consideration

Add a button in Help>Online Resources that links to the most recent release

Have a newcomer or an old timer try to navigate all the difference paths available to try to find where to download the most recent release. How long does it take? Too long. Add a button in Help>Online Resources that links to the most recent re...
4 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 0 Needs review

Flange Ansi check as per UG-44: setting a user ratio for each rating

Ansi/kellogs method is a widely used way to check flange joint, but different standard, or client specification could use different allowable. Now the ASME BPVC VII UG-44 suggest 2.2 for B16.5 #150 and 1.5 for most of the others; DNV suggested 1.5...
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 1 Future consideration

When exporting a model, the user should have the ability to select which nodes are exported based on the type of element it represents.

When creating stress isometric drawings, my team typically exports a .dxf file of the AutoPIPE Model. We are only concerned with nodes that represent support locations, however, there is no option to export only support nodes. Having this option a...
about 4 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 1 Future consideration

Add option to connect disconnected segments after PCF or other import

Very often we are tasked of cleaning an imported PCF or other imports. We notice quite a few disconnected segments as evident with anchors at the middle of runs. Very often the PCF import tolerance does not work, and many disconnections are import...
4 months ago in AutoPIPE 0 Needs review

Ring Tool - Ability to define Branch Type for each projection angle

Currently, the Ring Tool is limited to apply all Run Branch types or all Tee Branch Types. Why doesn't the tool allow the user to independently define which nodes need to be tees or runs? See attached screenshot for details.
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Modelling 0 Needs review

Wind load acc. to EN 1991-1-4 (Wind)

In the European Union we design wind loads acc. to EN 1991-1-4 (Wind), hence it would be nice if wind loads are implemented as in other pipe stress analysis programs.
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Needs review

Fix AutoPIPE window position on multiple monitors

When using AutoPIPE with multiple monitors, there are several scenarios in which a window positions will get messed up. One example is the interactive results box will sometimes become very tall, with the results still shown at the top and then bl...
about 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 1 Future consideration

Option to calculate transportational vibrations during shipment of the pipes

Currently, there is no option to analyze transportational vibrations on a pipe line when it is being shipping to a different location, specially for skid mounted piping. This allows users to identify shipping supports which can be removed after th...
4 months ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 0 Needs review