I noticed that Autopipe uses a limited amount of computer power. In a time-history analysis with a modal frequency of 400hz on a relatively small model it took about 30min using only 6 to 9% of the computer's processing power. An improvement in processing power so that Autopipe uses the resources available on the computer would be very welcome.
it's a water hammer analysis. Typical frequencies range from 150 - 400Hz. In this particular analysis, I was able to use 280Hz and below that, the program displays a danger message.
We are looking at utilising more cores for doing static analysis, report writing and post processing, however this would not increase the speed in this modal analysis. Since we currently can only use one core, percentage processing power indicated could represent that single core on your machine. It is unclear how we can improve the speed of the modal solution, and 30mins in extreme. So I suspect this is related to the flexibility of your model and the fact you are searching for modes up to 400Hz which is high. Is there a reason to go to such high frequencies?