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AutoPIPE Pipe Stress

Showing 151

Release limitation of PIPE ID character length

Users of a company in Japan name PIPE ID under specific rule in P&ID and 3D-CAD while AutoPIPE has a limitation for PIPE ID's character length as 8 words. So they convert the PIPE ID for AutoPIPE limitation, but there is a possibility that it ...
over 3 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 2 Will not implement

Add Victaulic fitting

AutoPIPE can model a Victaulic fitting using a number of approach mentioned here . However this is a very difficult and demanding process. Not to mention, that in some case there are converging issues related to multiple Flexible joints on connect...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Modelling 2 Future consideration

Stress Isometric: populate isometric title block

Add options to export data from AutoPIPE that will to fill in attribute data for a Stress Isometric title block.
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / UI 1 Needs review

Support Results grids local direction should be user friendly and consistent

Open the results grids, select the support tab, and locate the columns for LocalDir1 - Gap3. Quick what does this refer to: pipe local axis, support local axis? Is this direction consistent across all of the support types (see attached image of Su...
almost 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 1 Needs review

Update Materials List & Temp Range to reflect that of the code (B31.3)- Specifically N08811

If the material is listed in the code (B31.3) shouldn't it be in list of materials in the software and also have the same temperature range
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Code 4 Future consideration


管系应力分析计算时,经常需要设置固定支架,该支架承受垂直、水平、径向三个方向(即轴系中 xyz三向)的 力,且此处三向位移均约束 0。现有支架选项只能通过滑动支架+限位支架组合实现该功能。但是计算结果输出到路草支吊架软件时,会自动视别 为两个支架。
3 months ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 1 Needs review

Provide button to run analysis when it detects outdated results

Currently, AutoPIPE warns the user when it detects outdated results when the user tries to open the Results Grid. Instead of just warning the user, and deleting the outdated results, why doesn't AutoPIPE just rerun the analysis, or at least provid...
6 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 0 Planned

Add Node Annotations to stress isometric

AutoPIPE's Node Annotations (Insert > Node Annotations) are not able to be printed on a Stress Isometric. Using the "save isometric drawning" prompt, we have the option to isert annotations (but it's not a good way to do it), and it's not relat...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Modelling 0 Needs review

Toggle Between v12 Result Grid and v24 Result Grid

The v12 Result grid was a much simpler, leaner, and straightforward method to data processing for the excel oriented layout it had. With the v24 Result grid, we CANNOT select any of the columns independently as previously on v12. This completely r...
6 months ago in AutoPIPE / UI 5 Will not implement

Include option to extract displacement results (at node points) in local axes

Nodal displacement results in local axes would be immensely useful. I use AutoPIPE for onshore pipelines which are not straight & reviewing the displacement locally is often needed.
3 months ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Needs review