Open the results grids, select the support tab, and locate the columns for LocalDir1 - Gap3. Quick what does this refer to: pipe local axis, support local axis? Is this direction consistent across all of the support types (see attached image of Support grids). Notice that the directions are not consistent for the different supports. In addition, when exporting them to the Results MDB file the column name change, see attached Grids description.
Request that the results support grids local direction be updated to consistently indicate support or Pipe local direction. When exporting the results database file, the column names are exactly the same as that on the support results grids, and add a feature to indicate these local directions at the support (similar to that for Local Axis display feature).
The VSTOP local 2 and 3 directions are now set to global all the time. Although this can be easier to interpret, it is not consistent. It would be a good idea to have two options governed by the result G/L option.