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Showing 227

Defining Concentrated force to the local axis of element

The inability to specify the concentrated force for the local element in Autopipe leads to numerous challenges when defining the slug force on a pipeline that is misaligned with the axis. In contrast to CAESAR, Autopipe lacks the capability to rot...
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 0 Planned

Redesign Input Grid

The current input grid is difficult to read and navigate between all the tabs. The UI elements shall be redesigned to facilitate improved navigation and data input.
about 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 1 Future consideration

Include UID number in "Result" mdb output.

In our work process we create PCF file using S3D. After analyzing data inside Autopipe we would like to export some of the analyzed data from Autopipe and import back to S3D. Easiest way to achieve that would be by using UID number of the analyzed...
about 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Needs review

Appendix 41 ASME VIII-1:2021 (Electric Immersion Heater Element Support Plates)

This will assist with electric heaters that are often used in the petrochemical industry as well as in the power generation industry.
over 2 years ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Flexible elements displacement results in element local axes

having flexible elements displacements results reported in local element axes, provides a better way to quantify relative end displacements and avoids doing global to local axes transformation out of the software. Amount of end and intermediate di...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 1 Already exists

Modeling soils in AutoPIPE should be simplified

In my opinion modeling of soils in AutoPIPE takes to much time and could/should be simplified. For selected part of the model, including simultanously vertical, horizontal or inclined segments, there are four geometrical methods to define a terrai...
over 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 2 Future consideration

"Selection types different" - Develop a permanent solution for this error Develop a permanent solution for this bug since 2015. Copy and pasting rows fro...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Modelling 0 Needs review

Unlock Springs for HydroTEST

Provide an option for unlocking Springs and Constants on the support definition dialog. Set default to Lock and allow Unlock during Hydrotest
over 4 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 2 Future consideration

Output file should describe number of Warning/Error conditions encountered

Analysis quality will improve if AutoPIPE Output Report (SQO) describes the number of Warning/Error conditions encountered together with a recommendation to view .CHK, .DCHK, .ANL and any other Warning/Error files present. The lack of a recommenda...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 0 Needs review

Write as many Error messages as possible to *.ANL file

Currently Error messages appear on screen while interactively using AutoPIPE. If doing Batch processing Error messages never appear! If an Error message can be displayed on the screen it can also be written to the *.ANL file. Error conditions that...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Planned