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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 25, 2023

Create and Save selection set of node points and beam points

As of July 2023, after making a selection set (highlighted red) it may become unselected when choosing the next command or another location that is not apart of the selection set. The user may need to perform another command / modification to a previous selection set, forcing the user to reselect the same group of node points, beams, supports, etc.. over and over. For simple selection sets this is not an issue. However for more complicated selection sets, this is time consuming and hazardous process. One mistake, and the user will need to restart the selection process over again.

Suggest to have a method where the user can:

  1. Create a selection set of node points, supports, beams, etc..

  2. Saved selection set with a name that can be easily used again as needed

  3. Modify the selection set; adding / removing items as needed

Furthermore, add a color map that displays each selection group name using a unique color.

  • Guest
    Jul 27, 2024

    I agree. A user defined selection that can be named and saved for future recall would be beneficial in many circumstances.