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Enable different ambient temperatures for each thermal case

There is often need to calculate two conservative thermal combinations (lowest possible assembly temperature with highest working temperature and highest assembly temperature with lowest working temperature). Now it is needed to prepare two models...
about 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 3 Already exists

Dynamic interface between Autopipe and Openplant

Currently, the interface between Autopipe and Openplant is disconnected. Users have to manually export piping models to Autopipe, and perform analysis. If changes need to happen in one model, the other model isnt't updated dynamically. Further, th...
about 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 2 Future consideration

EN13445-3 16.14.8 Global longitudinal compressive stress limits

Add compressive stress calculation according to EN13445 16.14.8 instead of PD5500 when the calculation code is EN. Allow calculation to be selected manually. Also provide control on factors relevant to calculation such as Cx, Cbx, Q, Tolerance cla...
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Add more seismic and wind codes for API650

API650 tanks can only be calculated with ASCE, sometimes it is required EN norms for wind and seismic design
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Flange and head calculation

This option is only available when floating head heat exchanger is calculated, for normal vessels it is not possible to use a crown (hemispherical) head welded direct into a flange without knuckle or straight flange.
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Insert 2 node points when a flange is inserted, to allow the user to set the BW SIF

By default, when you insert a WN or Lap Joint flange in Autopipe, it does not account for SIF at the BW joint. User has to enter an additional node point at a flange length and define a Joint Type with a defined offset. This could be automated.
about 2 years ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Planned

Hide feature for concentrated forces

I use Auto pipe to run stress analysis, and I always write a report summarizing the results. I always include screenshots of the restraint and supports reactions. The concentrated forces are necessary to include in the calculations, but for the sc...
6 months ago in AutoPIPE / AutoPIPE Pipe Stress 0 Needs review

Add Greek seismic code EAK 2000 and its 2003 ammedments

Greece is a country with high seismic behaviour. Many industrial projects are on going in Greece, it would be beneficial to add Greek seismic code.
over 1 year ago in AutoPIPE Vessel 0 Needs review

Export the Component_GUIDs fields

Support the Component_GUIDs fields to be export, so that we can compare the entity with origin entity from other software.
6 months ago in AutoPIPE / Reporting 0 Needs review

Add redundant anchor for thermal load only

As AutoPipe limited node to 10000 only, for bigger model we model part of the system and we need to apply boundary conditions at the discontinuous node, if it is defined as anchor and apply node displacement (for thermal growth) this fictitious an...
6 months ago in AutoPIPE / Analysis 0 Needs review