Option to calculate transportational vibrations during shipment of the pipes
Currently, there is no option to analyze transportational vibrations on a pipe line when it is being shipping to a different location, specially for skid mounted piping. This allows users to identify shipping supports which can be removed after th...
Use of EN 1991 code with British National Annex (BS EN 1991) in Wind Code Selection
When selecting the wind code in Autopipe Vessel v45.00.02.004, it is not possible to select the EN 1991 code with British National Annex (BS EN 1991), but there is only an option to select the EN 1991 code.
The British national annex provides ...
Add design margins to piping loads being sent to structural
When it comes to exporting pipe support loads from AutoPIPE to STAAD, PipeLINK is an effective tool. While PipeLINK has most of the necessary functionality, there is a lack in the ability to add a Design Margin to the pipe support loads sent from ...
PCF import: Provide better material mapping, e.g. use PIPING-SPEC
This is related to the limitation on the PCF Attribut Mapping tab. If we had the ability to map the PIPING-SPEC to a material then this issue would have been very easy to resolve.
Body Flange Thickness (g0) Vs Shell thickness - Vs Allowable values
When we have a bogy flanged implemented in a cylindrical shell we need to define a thickness for shell and a thickness for flange (g0). Normally the both thickness are the same and the software only take into account the shell value for internal p...
The Software calculate the fiber elongation according ASME SECTION VIII division 1 according UG-79. The term “t” is the nominal thickness for the component. For dished end it is only possible insert the minimum thickness and the calculation of the...
Sometimes is needed to increase locally the thickness of the vessel wall to reinforce the nozzles (under pressure load or external loads), instead of increasing the whole course or head thickness (for economic reasons). Simulating this local thick...
ASME released ASME NM.1 for thermoplastic piping systems. It is handy for stress analysis of plastic pipes (PVC, CPVC, HDPE. PE, ...) compared to ASME B31.3. It will be beneficial if Autopipe includes this code as an option for analysis.